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Holiday Gift Guide

Updated: Nov 19, 2019

I don't know how we are already less than a month away from December, but here we are. I absolutely love that we get to celebrate our Jesus by gathering together with family and friends during the holidays. There really is no greater present than His presence and sharing it with loved ones.

One of my favorite parts of Christmas is that we have the honor to give those we love gifts. To me, gifts aren't just materialistic items given because it's "what you do." this time of year. I love being able to think about the person I'm getting a present for and finding something meaningful that will express how much they mean to me. Presents can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and I'm a firm believer that something thoughtful, no matter how small can bless someone more than an expensive gift that might just end up in a storage closet haha. Whether it be a hand written letter, a favourite treat, taking them out for a meal, or something that they would love but would never buy for themselves. And then there is the wrapping... Woot woot! haha I know I might be an odd one, but wrapping presents is just as fun as giving them for me. There is just something about putting on a Christmas movie or songs and wrapping gifts that makes so many memories flood my mind and warm my heart. I just can't wait for Hudson to join in on our traditions and to create new ones with him.

I'm all for shopping local and depending on the item, second hand gifts as well as buying new. And while I love looking for gifts, the search itself, can seem pretty daunting. So, I've decided to share a few ideas that I have either been blessed with in the past or that I have come across in my own search for presents. You can click on the images to go to the websites. I hope these help spark a little inspiration as you look for something special for those in your world. Praying that your Christmas shopping/ gift giving is full of peace, joy and fun with NO stress or pressure. That you will get caught up in the delight and true meaning of Christmas during this beautiful season. :)

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